FindButton FUNCTION ebAction Used internally by the button procedures in WINDOW.BAS. Do not use or alter this procedure. Syntax variablename% = FindButton(handle%) Remarks The FindButton procedure returns an index into the global array where a button is stored. Each button is uniquely described by the window in which it exists, and a button handle. FindButton assumes the current window. The FindButton procedure uses the following arguments. variablename% ------------- Any BASIC variable name, including the name of a record variable or record element. handle% ------- An integer that indicates the number of the button whose index is requested. This can be any number between 1 and the value declared in the constant MAXBUTTON, inclusive. Warning ------- Do not alter this procedure unless you are customizing the User Interface toolbox and you know how the alteration of this procedure will affect the operation of all other procedures in the toolbox. See Also. ButtonClose, ButtonInquire, ButtonSetState, ButtonShow, ButtonToggle, MaxScrollLength, WindowDo