Presentation Graphics Error Codes If an error occurs during the execution of a presentation graphics procedure, the variable ChartErr will contain a non-zero value. For non-BASIC errors, the error numbers can be tested using numerics or constants as defined in the CHRTB.BI header file. The meaning of a non-BASIC error. Number Constant name Type of error 15 cBadLogBase LogBase <= 0 20 cBadScaleFactor ScaleFactor = 0 25 cBadScreen Invalid screen mode 30 cBadStyle Invalid chart style 105 cBadDataWindow Data window calculated too small 110 cBadLegendWindow Legend-window coordinates invalid 135 cBadType Invalid chart type 155 cTooFewSeries Too few series (first% > last%)1 160 cTooSmallN No data in series (n% = 0)2 165 cBadPalette Palette not dimensioned correctly 170 cPalettesNotSet SetPaletteDef procedure hasn't been used 175 cNoFontSpace No more room for new fonts Numbers greater than 100 are fatal errors and will cause charting routines to exit. If BASIC generates an error, the value of ChartErr is equal to 200 plus the BASIC error number. (See Appendix D, "Error Messages" for a complete list of BASIC error messages.)