Presentation Graphics Toolbox The first part of this section describes the SUB and FUNCTION procedures that are supported by the Presentation Graphics toolbox. The second part describes the SUB and FUNCTION procedures that are supported by the Fonts toolbox. The Fonts toolbox can be used with the Presentation Graphics toolbox or independently to draw graphics text. The Presentation Graphics toolbox (CHRTB.BAS), included with the BASIC 7.0 Compiler, contains a set of routines for defining, analyzing, and printing charts on the screen. There are five kinds of charts, each available in two styles as shown here. Style Bar Column Line Scatter Pie 1 Plain Plain Lines and Lines and Percent points points displayed 2 Stacked Stacked Points only Points only No percent To use the toolbox, you first must declare the dimensions for a variable as the user-defined type ChartEnvironment. The definition for this type is found in the CHRTB.BI header file. This file also contains definitions for constants that can be used as arguments to the procedures described in this section. Using these constants in place of hand-coded numerics will make your program cleaner and easier to debug.