REM Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Allows explanatory remarks to be inserted in a program. Syntax 1 REM remark Syntax 2 ' remark Remarks REM statements are not compiled, but they appear exactly as entered when the program is listed. You can branch from a GOTO or GOSUB statement to a REM statement. Execution continues with the first executable statement after the REM statement. A single quotation mark can be used instead of the REM keyword. If the REM keyword follows other statements on a line, it must be separated from the statements by a colon. REM statements also are used to introduce metacommands. For more information, see Chapter 2, "SUB and FUNCTION Procedures" in the Programmer's Guide. Note Do not use the single quotation form of the REM statement in a DATA statement because it will be considered valid data. Examples The following example shows two equivalent remark statements. Note that you must precede a REM statement at the end of a line with a colon. This is not a complete program. DIM Array(23) FOR I = 1 TO 23 . Array(I) = 1 . NEXT I . REM Initialize the array. FOR I = 1 TO 23 . Array(I) = 1 . NEXT I ' Initialize the array.