SEEK Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Returns the current file position. Syntax SEEK( filenumber%) Remarks The argument filenumber% is the number used in the OPEN statement to open the file. SEEK returns a value between 1 and 2,147,483,647, inclusive (equivalent to 231 -1). SEEK returns the number of the next record read or written when used on random-access files. For files opened in binary, output, append, or input mode, SEEK returns the byte position in the file where the next operation is to take place. The first byte in a file is 1. SEEK returns zero when used on an ISAM table or on BASIC devices (SCRN, CONS, KYBD, COM n, LPT n, PIPE) that do not support SEEK. See Also GET (File I-O); OPEN; PUT (File I-O); SEEK Statement; SEEKGT, SEEKGE, SEEKEQ Statements Example See the SEEK statement programming example, which uses the SEEK function.