TEXTCOMP Function Action Compares two strings as they would be compared by ISAM. Syntax TEXTCOMP( a$, b$) Remarks The arguments a$ and b$ are two strings. TEXTCOMP compares their relative order as they would be sorted by an ISAM index and returns an integer value of 1, 0, or -1. - -1 is returned when a$ compares less than b$. - 0 is returned when a$ compares equal to b$. - 1 is returned when a$ compares greater than b$. Only the first 255 characters are considered in the comparison. The comparison is not case sensitive ("A" is the same as "a"), and any trailing spaces are removed. TEXTCOMP uses the International Sorting Tables for sorting international characters. For more information, see Appendix E, "International Sorting Tables." See Also SetFormatCC; Appendix E, "International Character Sort Order Tables" Example The BookLook program uses TEXTCOMP to compare titles in a table named BookStock and then prints each title that begins with the word QuickBASIC. Because the comparison performed by TEXTCOMP is not case-sensitive, all variations of titles whose first word is QuickBASIC will be printed.