TIMER Function Action Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight. Syntax TIMER Remarks The TIMER function can be used with the RANDOMIZE statement to generate a random number. It also can be used to time programs or parts of programs. See Also Randomize Example The following example searches for the prime numbers from 3 to 10,000 using a variation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The TIMER function is used to time the program. DEFINT A-Z CONST UNMARK = 0, MARKIT = NOT UNMARK DIM Mark(10000) CLS ' Clear screen. Start! = TIMER Num = 0 FOR N = 3 TO 10000 STEP 2 IF NOT Mark(N) THEN 'PRINT N, ' To print the primes, remove the ' remark delimiter in front of the ' PRINT statement. Delta = 2 * N FOR I = 3 * N TO 10000 STEP Delta Mark(I) = MARKIT NEXT Num = Num + 1 END IF NEXT Finish! = TIMER PRINT PRINT "Program took"; Finish! - Start!; PRINT "seconds to find the"; Num; "primes " END Output Program took .28125 seconds to find the 1228 primes.