WindowBorder FUNCTION Action Returns a 14-character string that describes the border of the window. Syntax border$ = WindowBorder (windowType%) Remarks The argument windowType% is an integer that describes a particular window type. The border of the window actually determines what characteristics a window will have. Each character position in the returned string is representative of a particular component of the border. Some positions in the border have added significance, in that special characters in those positions implement certain features. The following list indicates the significance of each border$ character position and the features implemented by special characters. Position Character defined Special effect character 1 Upper-left corner Equal sign (=) makes window closable. 2 Top line Dot-pattern character (ASCII 176) makes window movable. 3 Upper-right corner 4 Left-side line 5 Middle fill character 6 Right-side line 7 Lower-left corner 8 Bottom line 9 Lower-right corner Plus sign (+) makes window resizable. 10 Left-side intersection 11 Middle line 12 Right-side intersection 13 Shadow flag "S" in this position puts a 3D shadow on window. All predefined window types have shadows. 14 Title flag "T" in this position puts a title bar across the top of the window if the length of title$ in WindowOpen is greater than 0. Twenty-four basic predefined window types are provided in WINDOW.BAS. These combinations include all of the special features (movable, closable, resizable, shadow, and title) with three different borders. You can have no border, a single-line border, or a double-line border. All available options can be specified with arguments to the WindowOpen procedure. If you want to create other custom window types, modify the WindowBorder procedure in WINDOW.BAS to add more window types. By observing the conventions in the list above, you can create windows that have the features and any special borders you want. To create custom window types, modify this procedure and recompile it into your Quick library and .LIB file. Note ---- The WindowBorder procedure is used internally by WINDOW.BAS and under normal circumstances will not be called directly by your program. You may wish to modify and recompile this procedure to extend or alter its functionality. See Also. ButtonOpen, EditFieldOpen, WindowClose, WindowDo, WindowOpen, WindowPrintTitle, WindowSetCurrent