WindowOpen SUB Action Defines and opens a window. Syntax WindowOpen handle%, row1%, col1%, row2%, col 2%, textFore%, textBack%, fore%, back%, highlight%, movewin%, closewin%, sizewin%, modalwin%, borderchar%, title$ Remarks The WindowOpen procedure uses the following arguments. handle% ------- An integer that indicates the number of the window that is being opened. This can be any number between 1 and the value declared in the constant MAXWINDOW, inclusive. row1%, col1% ------------ An integer pair that specifies absolute screen row and column coordinates. row2%, col2% ------------ An integer pair that specifies the lower-right-corner coordinates of an area. textFore% --------- An integer that defines text foreground color (0 - 15). textBack% --------- An integer that defines text background color (0 - 7). fore% ----- An integer that defines window foreground color (0 - 15). back% ----- An integer that defines window background color (0 - 7). highlight% ---------- An integer that defines color (0 - 15) of highlighted buttons. movewin% -------- TRUE indicates a movable window; FALSE indicates a stationary window. closewin% --------- TRUE indicates a window that can be closed; FALSE indicates a window that can't be closed. sizewin% -------- TRUE indicates a resizable window; FALSE indicates a window that can't be resized. modalwin% --------- TRUE indicates a modal window; FALSE indicates a nonmodal window. When a window is modal, any attempt to select outside the window is unsuccessful and results in a beep. borderchar% ----------- 0 indicates no border; 1 indicates a single-line border; 2 indicates a double-line border. title$ ------ A string that is the title of the window. If title$ is a null string (""), no title is displayed. The WindowOpen procedure is used to open windows anywhere on the screen. Twenty-four basic window types are predefined in WINDOW.BAS; however, the fact that any of the basic types can be created as either a standard or modal window increases the available number to 48. See Also. WindowBorder, WindowClose, WindowNext Example See the DemoWindow procedure in the code example UIDEMO.BAS for a specific implementation.