Private p2vbW As Integer Private p2vbH As Integer Private p2vbX1 As Integer Private p2vbY1 As Integer Private p2vbX2 As Integer Private p2vbY2 As Integer Private myPen as Pen Private formGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics ' Program: colors.pyw ' show lots of colors! ' from graphics import * Public Sub Routine2 Dim grays As Object grays = {"gray60", "gray70", "gray80", "gray85", "gray90", "gray95"} Dim colors As Object colors = {"snow1", "snow2", "snow3", "snow4", "seashell1", "seashell2", "seashell3", "seashell4", "AntiqueWhite1", "AntiqueWhite2", "AntiqueWhite3", "AntiqueWhite4", "bisque1", "bisque2", "bisque3", "bisque4", "PeachPuff1", "PeachPuff2", "PeachPuff3", "PeachPuff4", "NavajoWhite1", "NavajoWhite2", "NavajoWhite3", "NavajoWhite4", "LemonChiffon1", "LemonChiffon2", "LemonChiffon3", "LemonChiffon4", "cornsilk1", "cornsilk2", "cornsilk3", "cornsilk4", "ivory1", "ivory2", "ivory3", "ivory4", "honeydew1", "honeydew2", "honeydew3", "honeydew4", "LavenderBlush1", "LavenderBlush2", "LavenderBlush3", "LavenderBlush4", "MistyRose1", "MistyRose2", "MistyRose3", "MistyRose4", "azure1", "azure2", "azure3", "azure4", "SlateBlue1", "SlateBlue2", "SlateBlue3", "SlateBlue4", "RoyalBlue1", "RoyalBlue2", "RoyalBlue3", "RoyalBlue4", "blue1", "blue2", "blue3", "blue4", "DodgerBlue1", "DodgerBlue2", "DodgerBlue3", "DodgerBlue4", "SteelBlue1", "SteelBlue2", "SteelBlue3", "SteelBlue4", "DeepSkyBlue1", "DeepSkyBlue2", "DeepSkyBlue3", "DeepSkyBlue4", "SkyBlue1", "SkyBlue2", "SkyBlue3", "SkyBlue4", "LightSkyBlue1", "LightSkyBlue2", "LightSkyBlue3", "LightSkyBlue4", "SlateGray1", "SlateGray2", "SlateGray3", "SlateGray4", "LightSteelBlue1", "LightSteelBlue2", "LightSteelBlue3", "LightSteelBlue4", "LightBlue1", "LightBlue2", "LightBlue3", "LightBlue4", "LightCyan1", "LightCyan2", "LightCyan3", "LightCyan4", "PaleTurquoise1", "PaleTurquoise2", "PaleTurquoise3", "PaleTurquoise4", "CadetBlue1", "CadetBlue2", "CadetBlue3", "CadetBlue4", "turquoise1", "turquoise2", "turquoise3", "turquoise4", "cyan1", "cyan2", "cyan3", "cyan4", "DarkSlateGray1", "DarkSlateGray2", "DarkSlateGray3", "DarkSlateGray4", "aquamarine1", "aquamarine2", "aquamarine3", "aquamarine4", "DarkSeaGreen1", "DarkSeaGreen2", "DarkSeaGreen3", "DarkSeaGreen4", "SeaGreen1", "SeaGreen2", "SeaGreen3", "SeaGreen4", "PaleGreen1", "PaleGreen2", "PaleGreen3", "PaleGreen4", "SpringGreen1", "SpringGreen2", "SpringGreen3", "SpringGreen4", "green1", "green2", "green3", "green4", "chartreuse1", "chartreuse2", "chartreuse3", "chartreuse4", "OliveDrab1", "OliveDrab2", "OliveDrab3", "OliveDrab4", "DarkOliveGreen1", "DarkOliveGreen2", "DarkOliveGreen3", "DarkOliveGreen4", "khaki1", "khaki2", "khaki3", "khaki4", "LightGoldenrod1", "LightGoldenrod2", "LightGoldenrod3", "LightGoldenrod4", "LightYellow1", "LightYellow2", "LightYellow3", "LightYellow4", "yellow1", "yellow2", "yellow3", "yellow4", "gold1", "gold2", "gold3", "gold4", "goldenrod1", "goldenrod2", "goldenrod3", "goldenrod4", "DarkGoldenrod1", "DarkGoldenrod2", "DarkGoldenrod3", "DarkGoldenrod4", "RosyBrown1", "RosyBrown2", "RosyBrown3", "RosyBrown4", "IndianRed1", "IndianRed2", "IndianRed3", "IndianRed4", "sienna1", "sienna2", "sienna3", "sienna4", "burlywood1", "burlywood2", "burlywood3", "burlywood4", "wheat1", "wheat2", "wheat3", "wheat4", "tan1", "tan2", "tan3", "tan4", "chocolate1", "chocolate2", "chocolate3", "chocolate4", "firebrick1", "firebrick2", "firebrick3", "firebrick4", "brown1", "brown2", "brown3", "brown4", "salmon1", "salmon2", "salmon3", "salmon4", "LightSalmon1", "LightSalmon2", "LightSalmon3", "LightSalmon4", "orange1", "orange2", "orange3", "orange4", "DarkOrange1", "DarkOrange2", "DarkOrange3", "DarkOrange4", "coral1", "coral2", "coral3", "coral4", "tomato1", "tomato2", "tomato3", "tomato4", "OrangeRed1", "OrangeRed2", "OrangeRed3", "OrangeRed4", "red1", "red2", "red3", "red4", "DeepPink1", "DeepPink2", "DeepPink3", "DeepPink4", "HotPink1", "HotPink2", "HotPink3", "HotPink4", "pink1", "pink2", "pink3", "pink4", "LightPink1", "LightPink2", "LightPink3", "LightPink4", "PaleVioletRed1", "PaleVioletRed2", "PaleVioletRed3", "PaleVioletRed4", "maroon1", "maroon2", "maroon3", "maroon4", "VioletRed1", "VioletRed2", "VioletRed3", "VioletRed4", "magenta1", "magenta2", "magenta3", "magenta4", "orchid1", "orchid2", "orchid3", "orchid4", "plum1", "plum2", "plum3", "plum4", "MediumOrchid1", "MediumOrchid2", "MediumOrchid3", "MediumOrchid4", "DarkOrchid1", "DarkOrchid2", "DarkOrchid3", "DarkOrchid4", "purple1", "purple2", "purple3", "purple4", "MediumPurple1", "MediumPurple2", "MediumPurple3", "MediumPurple4", "thistle1", "thistle2", "thistle3", "thistle4"} End Sub Public Sub main() Dim win As Integer Form1.Text = "Colors" Form1.Width = 400 + 100 p2vbW = 400 Form1.Height = 400 + 100 p2vbH = 400 p2vbX1 = -2.0 p2vbY1 = -1.0 p2vbX2 = 4.0 p2vbY2 = 6.8 ' each color 1 x 1 Dim message As New Label message.Left = p2vbW * ((1) / (p2vbX2 - p2vbX1)) message.Top = p2vbH - (p2vbH * (( -0.5) / (p2vbY2 - p2vbY1))) Dim grid As Object Dim labels As Object message.Text = "Click for more colors" message.AutoSize = True Form1.Controls.Add(message) labels = {Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing} grid = {Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing} Dim Control1 As New Label for x = 0 To 3 grid(x) = {Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing} Control1.Left = p2vbW * ((x +.5) / (p2vbX2 - p2vbX1)) Control1.Top = p2vbH - (p2vbH * ((6.4) / (p2vbY2 - p2vbY1))) Control1.Text = str(x+1) Control1.AutoSize = True Form1.Controls.Add(Control1) Next for y = 0 To 5 labels(y).Left = p2vbW * ((-1) / (p2vbX2 - p2vbX1)) labels(y).Top = p2vbH - (p2vbH * ((y+.5) / (p2vbY2 - p2vbY1))) labels(y).Text = str(y) labels(y).AutoSize = True Form1.Controls.Add(labels(y)) for x = 0 To 3 grid(x)(y) = New Rectangle(New Point(x, y), New Point(x+1, y+1)) myPen = New Pen(Drawing.Color.Black, 1) formGraphics = Form1.CreateGraphics() formGraphics.DrawRectangle(myPen, grid(x)(y)) Form1.Controls.Add(grid(x)(y)) Next Next Dim i As Integer i= 0 Dim colors As Object while i < len(colors) for y = 0 To 5 labels(y).Text = Mid(colors(i), Len(colors(i)) - (1), 1) for x = 0 To 3 grid(x)(y).setFill(colors(i)) i += 1 Next Next if i = len(colors) Then message.Text = "That's all! Click to quit." End If End While End Sub 'main()