Private p2vbList as List(Of Object) Private Python2VBText As New TextBox ' Python program files do not require a blank line after a loop. ' They only require the next line to be dedented. ' Public Sub Routine2 p2vbList = New List(Of Object)({1, 2, 3}) for count= 0 To p2vbList.Count - 1 Python2VBText.Text = Python2VBText.Text +count.ToString + vbNewLine Python2VBText.MultiLine = True Python2VBText.Width = 200 Python2VBText.Height = 100 Form1.Controls.Add(Python2VBText) Python2VBText.Text = Python2VBText.Text + String.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat("Yes", count)) + vbNewLine Next Python2VBText.Text = Python2VBText.Text + "Done countng." + vbNewLine p2vbList = New List(Of Object)({"red", "blue", "green"}) for color= 0 To p2vbList.Count - 1 Python2VBText.Text = Python2VBText.Text +color + vbNewLine Next End Sub