ATN returns the arctangent of a specified numeric expression. COS, SIN, and TAN return the cosine, sine, and tangent of a specified angle. ATN(numeric-expression) COS(angle) SIN(angle) TAN(angle) - numeric-expression The ratio between the sides of a right triangle. - angle An angle expressed in radians. - The ATN function returns an angle in radians. - To convert from degrees to radians, multiply degrees by (PI / 180). Example: CONST PI=3.141592654 PRINT ATN(TAN(PI/4.0)), PI/4.0 'Output is: .7853981635 .7853981635 PRINT (COS(180 * (PI / 180))) 'Output is: -1 PRINT (SIN(90 * (PI / 180))) 'Output is: 1 PRINT (TAN(45 * (PI / 180))) 'Output is: 1.000000000205103