Defines a FUNCTION procedure. FUNCTION name [(parameterlist)] [STATIC] [statementblock] name = expression [statementblock] END FUNCTION - name The name of the function and the data type it returns, specified by a data-type suffix (%, &, !, #, or $). - parameterlist One or more variables that specify parameters to be passed to the function when it is called: variable[( )] [AS type] [, variable[( )] [AS type]]... variable A Basic variable name. type The data type of the variable (INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, STRING, or a user-defined data type). - STATIC Specifies that the values of the function's local variables are saved between function calls. - expression The return value of the function. - When you call the function, you can specify that an argument's value will not be changed by the function by enclosing the argument in parentheses. Example: The program REMLINE.BAS illustrates calling FUNCTION procedures. To view or run this program, load REMLINE.BAS using the Open command from the File menu. See Also