Programming task Keywords included in this list ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Control program flow DO...LOOP, END, EXIT, FOR...NEXT, IF...THEN...ELSE, GOSUB...RETURN, GOTO, ON...GOSUB, ON...GOTO, SELECT CASE, STOP, SYSTEM Declare constants and variables CONST, DATA, DIM, ERASE, OPTION BASE, READ, REDIM, REM, RESTORE, SWAP, TYPE...END TYPE Define and call Basic procedures CALL, DECLARE, EXIT, FUNCTION, RUN, SHELL, SHARED, STATIC, SUB Device input/output CLS, CSRLIN, INKEY$, INP, INPUT, KEY (Assignment), LINE INPUT, LOCATE, LPOS, LPRINT, LPRINT USING, OPEN COM, OUT, POS, PRINT, PRINT USING, SPC, SCREEN Function, TAB, VIEW PRINT, WAIT, WIDTH Display graphic images CIRCLE, COLOR, GET (Graphics), LINE, PAINT, PALETTE, PCOPY, PMAP, POINT, PRESET, PSET, PUT (Graphics), SCREEN Statement, VIEW, WINDOW DOS file system commands CHDIR, KILL, MKDIR, NAME, RMDIR File input/output CLOSE, EOF, FILEATTR, FREEFILE GET (File I/O), INPUT, INPUT$, LINE INPUT, LOC, LOCK, LOF, OPEN, PUT (File I/O), SEEK Function, SEEK Statement, UNLOCK, WRITE Manage memory CLEAR, FRE, PEEK, POKE Manipulate strings ASC, CHR$, HEX$, INSTR, LCASE$, LEFT$, LEN, LSET, LTRIM$, MID$ Function, MID$ Statement, OCT$, RIGHT$, RSET, RTRIM$ SPACE$, STR$, STRING$, UCASE$, VAL Perform mathematical calculations ABS, ASC, ATN, CDBL, CINT, CLNG, COS, CSNG, CVDMBF, CVSMBF, EXP, INT, LOG, RANDOMIZE, RND, SGN, SIN, SQR, TAN, TIME$ Function Set traps for events and errors COM, ERDEV, ERDEV$, ERL, ERR, ERROR, KEY (Event Trapping), ON COM, ON ERROR, ON KEY, ON PEN, ON PLAY, ON STRIG, ON TIMER, PEN, PLAY (Event Trapping), RESUME, RETURN, STRIG, TIMER Function, TIMER Statement