MKI$, MKL$, MKS$, and MKD$ convert numbers to numeric strings that can be stored in FIELD statement string variables. CVI, CVL, CVS, and CVD convert those strings back to numbers. MKI$(integer-expression%) MKL$(long-integer-expression&) MKS$(single-precision-expression!) MKD$(double-precision-expression#) CVI(2-byte-numeric-string) CVL(4-byte-numeric-string) CVS(4-byte-numeric-string) CVD(8-byte-numeric-string) Function Returns Function Returns -------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------- MKI$ A 2-byte string CVI An integer MKL$ A 4-byte string CVL A long integer MKS$ A 4-byte string CVS A single-precision number MKD$ An 8-byte string CVD A double-precision number See Also