Opens a file or device. OPEN file$ [FOR mode] [ACCESS access] [lock] AS [#]filenumber% [LEN=reclen%] - file$ The name of the file or device. The file name may include a drive and path. - mode One of the following file modes: APPEND, BINARY, INPUT, OUTPUT, or RANDOM. See . - access In network environments, specifies whether the file is opened for READ, WRITE, or READ WRITE access. See . - lock Specifies the file locking in network environments: SHARED, LOCK READ, LOCK WRITE, LOCK READ WRITE. - filenumber% A number in the range 1 through 255 that identifies the file while it is open. - reclen% For random-access files, the record length (default is 128 bytes). For sequential files, the number of characters buffered (default is 512 bytes). Example: INPUT "Enter Filename: "; n$ OPEN n$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, "This is saved to the file." CLOSE OPEN n$ FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT #1, a$ PRINT "Read from file: "; a$ CLOSE See Also