Change the color assignments of color attributes in the current screen mode. PALETTE and PALETTE USING work only on systems equipped with EGA, VGA, or MCGA adapters. PALETTE [attribute%,color&] PALETTE USING arrayname#[(index%)] - attribute% The color attribute to change. - color& A color value to assign to an attribute. - arrayname# An array of color values to assign to the current screen mode's set of attributes. The array must be large enough to assign colors to all the attributes. - index% The index of the first array element to assign to an attribute. - The available color attributes and values depend on your graphics adapter and the screen mode set by the most recent SCREEN statement. Example: 'This example requires a color graphics adapter. PALETTE 0, 1 SCREEN 1 FOR i% = 0 TO 3: a%(i%) = i%: NEXT i% LINE (138, 35)-(288, 165), 3, BF LINE (20, 10)-(160, 100), 2, BF DO FOR i% = 0 TO 3 a%(i%) = (a%(i%) + 1) MOD 16 NEXT i% PALETTE USING a%(0) LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" See Also