Returns the status of the light pen. PEN(n%) - n% Specifies the information to be returned about light pen status: n% Returns -- --------------------------------------------------------- 0 Whether pen was used since last call (-1 if yes, 0 if no) 1 The x screen coordinate of the last pen press 2 The y screen coordinate of the last pen press 3 The current pen switch status (-1 if down, 0 if up) 4 The x screen coordinate where the pen last left the screen 5 The y screen coordinate where the pen last left the screen 6 The character row of the last pen press 7 The character column of the last pen press 8 The character row where the pen last left the screen 9 The character column where the pen last left the screen Example: DO P = PEN(3) LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Pen is "; IF P THEN PRINT "down" ELSE PRINT "up " PRINT "X ="; PEN(4), " Y ="; PEN(5); " " LOOP See Also