Returns the current graphics cursor coordinates or the color attribute of a specified pixel. POINT {(n%) | (x%,y%)} - (n%) Indicates the type of coordinate to return: n% Returns -- --------------------------------- 0 The current viewport x coordinate 1 The current viewport y coordinate 2 The current window x coordinate 3 The current window y coordinate - (x%,y%) The coordinates of the pixel that POINT checks for color. If the coordinates are outside the current viewport, POINT returns -1. Example: 'This example requires a color graphics adapter. SCREEN 1 LINE (0, 0)-(100, 100), 2 LOCATE 14, 1 FOR y% = 1 TO 10 FOR x% = 1 TO 10 PRINT POINT(x%, y%); NEXT x% PRINT NEXT y% See Also