TIMER enables, disables, or suspends timer event trapping. If event trapping is enabled, ON TIMER branches to a subroutine whenever a specified number of seconds has elapsed. TIMER ON TIMER OFF TIMER STOP ON TIMER(n%) GOSUB line - TIMER ON Enables timer event trapping. - TIMER OFF Disables timer event trapping. - TIMER STOP Suspends timer event trapping. Events are processed once event trapping is enabled by TIMER ON. - n% The number of seconds that elapse before ON TIMER branches to the event-trapping subroutine; a value in the range 1 through 86,400 (24 hours). - line The label or number of the first line of the event-trapping subroutine. Example: ON TIMER(1) GOSUB TimeUpdate TIMER ON CLS PRINT "Time: "; TIME$ StartTime = TIMER WHILE TimePast < 10 TimePast = TIMER - StartTime WEND END TimeUpdate: LOCATE 1, 7: PRINT TIME$ RETURN See Also