BLOAD Statement Programming Example This example uses BLOAD to retrieve and display a drawing of a magenta cube inside a box. The BSAVE statement programming example shows how the drawing was created and saved on disk in a file named MAGCUBE.GRH. '*** Programming example using BLOAD *** ' You must create the file MAGCUBE.GRH using the BSAVE statement ' programming example before you can run this program. This program ' uses MAGCUBE.GRH. ' DIM Cube(1 TO 675) ' Set the screen mode. The mode should be the same as the ' mode used to create the original drawing. SCREEN 1 ' Set segment to the array Cube's segment and load ' the graphic file into Cube. DEF SEG = VARSEG(Cube(1)) BLOAD "MAGCUBE.GRH", VARPTR(Cube(1)) DEF SEG ' Restore default BASIC segment. ' Put the drawing on the screen. PUT (80, 10), Cube