BSAVE Statement Programming Example This example draws a magenta cube inside a white box and then uses BSAVE to store the drawing in the file MAGCUBE.GRH. The BLOAD statement example program shows how you can retrieve and display the drawing after you create it. DIM Cube(1 TO 675) SCREEN 1 ' Draw a white box. LINE (140, 25)-(140 + 100, 125), 3, B ' Draw the outline of a magenta cube inside the box. DRAW "C2 BM140,50 M+50,-25 M+50,25 M-50,25" DRAW "M-50,-25 M+0,50 M+50,25 M+50,-25 M+0,-50 BM190,75 M+0,50" ' Save the drawing in the array Cube. GET (140, 25)-(240, 125), Cube ' Set segment to the array Cube's segment and store the drawing ' in the file MAGCUBE.GRH. Note: 2700 is the number of bytes ' in Cube (4 bytes per array element * 675). DEF SEG = VARSEG(Cube(1)) BSAVE "MAGCUBE.GRH", VARPTR(Cube(1)), 2700 DEF SEG ' Restore default BASIC segment.