CHAIN Statement Details Syntax CHAIN filespec The filespec is a string expression that identifies the program to which control is passed. The filespec may include a path specification. - Programs running within the QuickBASIC environment assume a .BAS extension (if no extension is given) and cannot chain to executable files (files with a .COM or .EXE extension). - Programs running outside the QuickBASIC environment assume an .EXE extension and cannot chain to QuickBASIC source files (files with a .BAS extension). You can pass variables between programs using the COMMON statement to set up a blank COMMON block. See the entry for COMMON. If you are compiling a program outside the QuickBASIC environment, note that the BCOM45.LIB library does not support COMMON. There are two ways to use COMMON with chained programs outside the environment. - Use the default (BRUN45.EXE) by compiling the programs using the option in the Make EXE dialog box called EXE Requiring BRUN45.EXE. - Use BRUN45.LIB by compiling from the command line without the /O option. The behavior of CHAIN and RUN is almost identical. The principal differences are that RUN closes all open files and does not support COMMON data blocks. Note: When programs use BRUN45.LIB, files are left open during chaining unless they are explicitly closed with a CLOSE statement. Difference from BASICA BASICA assumes the extension .BAS. QuickBASIC assumes an extension of either .BAS or .EXE, depending on whether the program is run within the environment or compiled and run outside the environment. If you omit the file extension, CHAIN works the same in both QuickBASIC and BASICA. BASIC does not support the ALL, MERGE, or DELETE options available in BASICA, nor does it allow you to specify a line number. Without the line-number option, execution always starts at the beginning of the chained-to program. Thus, a chained-to program that chains back to a carelessly written chaining program can cause an endless loop.