CLS Statement Programming Example The following program draws random circles in a graphics viewport and prints in a text viewport. The graphics viewport is cleared after 30 circles have been drawn. The program clears the text viewport after printing to it 45 times. RANDOMIZE TIMER SCREEN 1 ' Set up a graphics viewport with a border. VIEW (5,5)-(100,80),3,1 ' Set up a text viewport. VIEW PRINT 12 TO 24 ' Print a message on the screen outside the text viewport. LOCATE 25,1 : PRINT "Press any key to stop." Count=0 DO ' Draw a circle with a random radius. CIRCLE (50,40),INT((35-4)*RND+5),(Count MOD 4) ' Clear the graphics viewport every 30 times. IF (Count MOD 30)=0 THEN CLS 1 PRINT "Hello. "; ' Clear the text viewport every 45 times. IF (Count MOD 45)=0 THEN CLS 2 Count=Count+1 LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> ""