CVSMBF Function Programming Example The following program reads records from a random-access file containing Microsoft Binary format real numbers stored as strings. Each record contains a student's name and a test score. ' ' Define a user type for the data records. ' TYPE StudentRec NameField AS STRING * 20 Score AS STRING * 4 END TYPE ' Define a variable of the user type. DIM Rec AS StudentRec '******************************************************************** ' This part of the program is an insert whose only function is to ' create a random-access file to be used by the second part of the ' program, which demonstrates the CVSMBF function '******************************************************************** OPEN "TESTDAT1.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = LEN(Rec) CLS RESTORE READ NameField$, Score$ I = 0 DO WHILE UCASE$(NameField$) <> "END" I = I + 1 Rec.NameField = NameField$ Rec.Score = Score$ PUT #1, I, Rec READ NameField$, Score$ IF NameField$ = "END" THEN EXIT DO LOOP CLOSE #1 ' DATA "John Simmons","100" DATA "Allie Simpson","95" DATA "Tom Tucker","72" DATA "Walt Wagner","90" DATA "Mel Zucker","92" DATA "END","0" '******************************************************************** ' This part of the program demonstrates the CVSMBF function '******************************************************************** ' Open the file for input. OPEN "TESTDAT1.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN=LEN(Rec) Max = LOF(1) / LEN(Rec) ' Read and print all of the records. FOR I = 1 TO Max ' Read a record into the user-type variable Rec. GET #1, I, Rec ' Convert the score from a string containing a Microsoft ' Binary format number to an IEEE-format number. ScoreOut = CVSMBF(Rec.Score) ' Display the name and score. PRINT Rec.NameField, ScoreOut NEXT I CLOSE #1 KILL "TESTDAT1.DAT" END