DRAW Statement Programming Examples Example 1 The following program draws a triangle's outline in magenta and paints the interior cyan: SCREEN 1 DRAW "C2" 'Set color to magenta. DRAW "F60 L120 E60" 'Draw a triangle. DRAW "BD30" 'Move down into the triangle. DRAW "P1,2" 'Paint interior. Example 2 The following example shows different ways of using the M macro command: with absolute movement and relative movement; using string- variable arguments; and using numeric-variable arguments. SCREEN 2 'Absolute movement DRAW "M 50,80" DRAW "M 80,50" 'Relative movement DRAW "M+40,-20" DRAW "M-40,-20" DRAW "M-40,+20" DRAW "M+40,+20" 'Using a string variable. X$ = "400" : Y$ = "190" DRAW "M" + X$ + "," + Y$ 'Using numeric variables (note the two "=" signs). A = 300 : B = 120 DRAW "M="+VARPTR$(A)+",="+VARPTR$(B) Example 3 DRAW_EX.BAS is a program file in the subdirectory ADVR_EX that illustrates the DRAW statement. To look at the program in the View window and, optionally, to run it, load DRAW_EX.BAS using the File menu's Open Program command. The program draws a clock on the screen using the TIME$ function.