EOF Function Programming Example This example reads single-precision values from the file DATA.IN into an array M using a DO LOOP. The loop uses the EOF function to signal the end of the file. A second DO LOOP displays the contents of M to confirm that it contains the values from DATA.IN. This example will not run without a DATA.IN data input file. DIM M(0 TO 2000) OPEN "DATA.IN" FOR INPUT AS 1 C = 0 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) AND C <= 2000 INPUT #1, M(C) C = C + 1 LOOP CLS ' Clear screen D = 0 DO WHILE D < C PRINT M(D) D = D + 1 LOOP Tip: Run the example with a simple DATA.IN data file you create with a text editor. For example, create a one-line DATA.IN file with the following sequence of numbers: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Then run the example program to produce the following sample output. Sample Output 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90