ERROR Statement Programming Example This example uses an ERROR statement in an error-handling routine, Handler, to trap a user input error. Tip: You must supply a text file when you run this example. Use a text file you have already created, create a file with a text editor, or specify the README.DOC text file. ON ERROR GOTO Handler OpenFile: INPUT "Name of file to update"; FileSpec$ IF FileSpec$ = "" THEN END OPEN FileSpec$ FOR INPUT AS #1 PRINT "The first five lines of "; FILESPEC$;" are:" : PRINT FOR I = 1 TO 5 LINE INPUT #1, Temp$ PRINT Temp$ NEXT PRINT : INPUT "Is this the correct file"; R$ 'Define error 200. IF LEFT$(R$,1) <> "y" THEN ERROR 200 END Handler: 'Error-handling routine. Number = ERR 'If program generates run-time error for "file not found," 'a special message is printed and the user is prompted to 'enter a new file specification or end the program. IF Number = 53 THEN CLOSE #1 PRINT "File not in this directory" PRINT "Enter new file spec ([d:]\xxx\...\xxx) or" PRINT "press to end program" RESUME OpenFile ELSEIF Number = 200 THEN 'User entered "n" CLOSE #1 RESUME OpenFile ELSE ERROR Number 'Error other than 53 or 200. ON ERROR GOTO 0 'Print message, disable error END IF 'handling, and stop program.