FIELD Statement Details Syntax FIELD [#]filenumber, fieldwidth AS stringvariable [,fieldwidth AS stringvariable] ... Argument Description filenumber The number used in the file's OPEN statement fieldwidth The width of the field in the record stringvariable The string variable that contains the date read from a record or data that is used in an assignment when information is written to a record The total number of bytes that you allocate in a FIELD statement must not exceed the record length that you had specified when opening the file. Otherwise, an error message is generated that reads "FIELD overflow." (The default record length is 128 bytes.) Any number of FIELD statements may be executed for the same file. All FIELD statements that have been executed remain in effect at the same time. All field definitions for a file are removed when the file is closed; that is, all strings defined as fields associated with the file are set to null. Do not use a variable name defined as a field in an INPUT or assignment statement if you wish the variable to remain a field. Once a variable name is a field, it points to the correct place in the random-access file buffer. If a subsequent INPUT or assignment statement with that variable name is executed, the variable's pointer no longer refers to the random-access record buffer, but to string space. Note: BASIC's record variables and extended OPEN statement syntax provide a more convenient way to use random-access files. Differences from BASICA When a random-access file is closed with a CLOSE or RESET statement in a compiled program, all variables that are fields associated with that file are reset to null strings. When a random-access file is closed in a BASICA program, variables that are fields retain the last value assigned to them by a GET statement.