FRE Function Details Syntax FRE(stringexpression) FRE(numeric-expression) The FRE function returns the following values when it has a numeric argument (numeric-expression): Argument Value Returned -1 The size, in bytes, of the largest nonstring array that could be dimensioned -2 The amount, in bytes, of unused stack space available to the program Any other The size of the next free block of string numeric value storage When the argument is a string expression (stringexpression), FRE returns the size, in bytes, of the free string storage. Before FRE returns the number of free bytes, it compacts the free string storage into a single block. Note: FRE(-2) returns meaningful values only when a program is executing. Values returned by FRE(-2) are not accurate when the function is called from the Immediate window, during program tracing, or when watching a variable.