Statements and Functions Used for File I/O Statement or Task Function Action Creating a new file or OPEN Opens a file for retrieving accessing an existing or storing records (I/O) file Closing a file CLOSE Ends I/O to a file Storing data in a file PRINT # Stores a list of variables as record fields in a previously opened sequential file PRINT USING # Similar to PRINT #, except PRINT USING # formats the record fields WRITE # Stores a list of variables as record fields in a previously opened sequential file WIDTH Specifies a standard length for each record in a sequential file PUT Stores the contents of a user-defined variable in a previously opened binary or random-access file Retrieving data INPUT # Reads fields from a record from a file and assigns each field in the record to a program variable (sequential files) INPUT$ Reads a string of characters from a file LINE INPUT # Reads a record from a sequential file and stores it in a single string variable GET Reads data from a binary or random-access file and assigns the data to elements of a user-defined variable Managing files on disk FILES Prints a listing of the files in a specified directory FREEFILE Returns the next available file number KILL Deletes a file from the disk NAME Changes a file's name Getting information EOF Tests whether all of the data about a file have been read from a file FILEATTR Returns the number assigned by the operating system to an open file and a number that indicates the mode in which the file was opened (INPUT, OUTPUT, APPEND, BINARY, or RANDOM) LOC Gives the current position within a file. With binary access, this is the byte position. With sequential access, this is the byte position divided by 128. With random access, this is the record number of the last record read or written. LOF Gives the number of bytes in an open file SEEK (function) Gives the location where the next I/O operation will take place. With random access, this is the number of the next record to be read or written. With all other kinds of file access, this is the byte position of the next byte to be read or written. Moving around in a file SEEK (statement) Sets the byte position for the next read or write operation in an open file