Statements and Functions Used for Displaying Graphics Images Statement or Task Function Action Setting SCREEN Specifies a BASIC screen mode, which screen-display determines screen characteristics such characteristics as resolution and ranges for color numbers Plotting or erasing PSET Gives a pixel on the screen a specified a single point color using the screen's foreground color by default PRESET Gives a pixel on the screen a specified color using the screen's background color by default, effectively erasing the pixel Drawing simple LINE Draws a straight line or a box shapes on the screen CIRCLE Draws a circle or ellipse DRAW Combines many of the features of other BASIC graphics statements (drawing lines, moving the graphics cursor, scaling images) into an all-in-one graphics macro language Defining screen VIEW Specifies a rectangle on the screen coordinates (or viewport) as the area for graphics output WINDOW Allows the user to choose new view coordinates for a viewport on the screen PMAP Maps physical pixel coordinates to view coordinates specified by the user in the current window, or vice versa POINT(number) Returns the current physical or view coordinates of the graphics cursor, depending on the value for number Using color COLOR Sets the default colors used in graphics output PALETTE Assigns different colors to color numbers. Works only on systems equipped with an EGA or VGA. POINT(x,y) Returns the color number of a single pixel whose screen coordinates are x and y Painting enclosed PAINT Fills an area on the screen with shapes a color or pattern Animating GET Copies a rectangular area on the screen by translating the image to numeric data and storing the data in a numeric array PUT Displays an image on the screen that was previously copied with GET PCOPY Copies one screen page to another