Hierarchy of Operations When several BASIC operators occur in the same statement, they are executed in the following order: 1. Arithmetic operations a. Exponentiation (^) b. Negation (-) c. Multiplication and division (*, /) d. Integer division (\) e. Modulo arithmetic (MOD) f. Addition and subtraction (+, -) 2. Relational operations (=, >, <, <>, <=, >=) 3. Logical operations a. NOT b. AND c. OR d. XOR e. EQV f. IMP An exception to the order of operations listed above occurs when an expression has adjacent exponentiation and negation operators. In this case, the negation is done first. For example, the following statement prints the value .0625, not -16: PRINT 4 ^ - 2 If the operations are different and are of the same level, the leftmost one is executed first and the rightmost last, as explained below. A = 3 + 6 / 12 * 3 - 2 'A = 2.5 The order of operations in the preceding example is as follows: 1. 6 / 12 (= 0.5) 2. 0.5 * 3 (= 1.5) 3. 3 + 1.5 (= 4.5) 4. 4.5 - 2 (= 2.5)