IF...THEN...ELSE - a control flow statement that allows conditional execution or branching, based on the evaluation of an expression that must be either true or false Block IF...THEN...ELSE Syntax IF booleanexpression1 THEN [statementblock-1] [ELSEIF booleanexpression2 THEN [statementblock-2] . . . [ELSE [statementblock-n]] END IF - booleanexpression is an expression that must return non-zero (true) or zero (false) - statementblock consists of any number of statements on one or more lines. Single-line IF...THEN...ELSE Syntax IF booleanexpression THEN thenpart [ELSE elsepart] - booleanexpression is an expression that must return non-zero (true) or zero (false) - thenpart consists of the statements or branches performed when booleanexpression is true (see
) - elsepart consists of the statements or branches performed when booleanexpression is false See Also