INT Function Programming Example This example compares output from INT, CINT, and FIX, the three functions that convert numeric data to integers. CLS ' Clear screen PRINT " N","INT(N)","CINT(N)","FIX(N)" : PRINT FOR I% = 1 TO 6 READ N PRINT N, INT(N), CINT(N), FIX(N) NEXT DATA 99.3, 99.5, 99.7, -99.3, -99.5, -99.7 Sample Output N INT(N) CINT(N) FIX(N) 99.3 99 99 99 99.5 99 100 99 99.7 99 100 99 -99.3 -100 -99 -99 -99.5 -100 -100 -99 -99.7 -100 -100 -99