KEY Statement Programming Example These examples show how to assign values to soft keys. Here is an example of assigning and disabling a soft key. KEY LIST displays key values after KEY 4 has been assigned and again after it has been disabled: CLS ' Clear screen KEY 4, "MENU" + CHR$(13) 'Assigns to soft key 4 the string '"MENU" followed by a carriage return. KEY LIST KEY 4, "" 'Disables soft key 4. KEY LIST Here is an example of using KEY statements to set up one-key equivalents of menu selections. For example, pressing F1 is the same as entering the string "Add": CLS ' Clear screen DIM KeyText$(3) DATA Add, Delete, Quit ' Assign soft-key strings to F1 to F3. FOR I = 1 TO 3 READ KeyText$(I) KEY I, KeyText$(I) + CHR$(13) NEXT I ' Print menu. PRINT " Main Menu" : PRINT PRINT " Add to list (F1)" PRINT " Delete from list (F2)" PRINT " Quit (F3)" : PRINT ' Get input and respond. DO LOCATE 7,1 : PRINT SPACE$(50); LOCATE 7,1 : INPUT " Enter your choice:", R$ SELECT CASE R$ CASE "Add", "Delete" LOCATE 10,1 : PRINT SPACE$(15); LOCATE 10,1 : PRINT R$; CASE "Quit" EXIT DO CASE ELSE LOCATE 10,1 : PRINT "Enter first word or press key." END SELECT LOOP