LBOUND Function Details Syntax LBOUND(array[,dimension]) The LBOUND function is used with the UBOUND function to determine the size of an array. Argument Description array The name of the array being dimensioned dimension An integer ranging from 1 to the number of dimensions in array: indicates which dimension's lower bound is returned For an array dimensioned as follows, LBOUND returns the values listed below: DIM A(1 TO 100, 0 TO 50, -3 TO 4) Invocation Value Returned LBOUND(A,1) 1 LBOUND(A,2) 0 LBOUND(A,3) -3 The default lower bound for any dimension is either 0 or 1, depending on the setting of the OPTION BASE statement. If OPTION BASE is 0, the default lower bound is 0, and if OPTION BASE is 1, the default lower bound is 1. Arrays dimensioned using the TO clause in the DIM statement may have any integer value as a lower bound. You may use the shortened syntax LBOUND(array) for one-dimensional arrays, since the default value for dimension is 1. Use the UBOUND function to find the upper limit of an array dimension.