LINE INPUT # Statement Programming Example This example uses LINE INPUT # to echo data input to a file: '*** Programming example for LINE INPUT # statement*** OPEN "LIST" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT "CUSTOMER INFORMATION:" ' Get customer information. DO PRINT INPUT " LAST NAME: ", LName$ INPUT " FIRST NAME: ", FrName$ INPUT " AGE: ", Age$ INPUT " SEX: ", Sex$ Sex$=UCASE$(Sex$) WRITE #1, LName$, FrName$, Age$, Sex$ INPUT "Add another"; R$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(R$)="Y" CLOSE #1 ' Echo the file back. OPEN "LIST" FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS PRINT "Records in file:" : PRINT DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, REC$ 'Read records from file with PRINT REC$ 'LINE INPUT #. Print the 'records on the screen. LOOP Sample Output CUSTOMER INFORMATION: LAST NAME: Saintsbury FIRST NAME: Aloysius AGE: 35 SEX: m Add another? y LAST NAME: Frangio FIRST NAME: Louisa AGE: 27 SEX: f Add another? n Records in file: "Saintsbury","Aloysius","35","M" "Frangio","Louisa","27","F"