LOCATE Statement Programming Examples These examples show how to use the LOCATE statement to move the cursor and select items from a menu. Here is an example that shows the effects on the cursor of different LOCATE statements: CLS 'Clear screen LOCATE 5, 5 'Moves cursor to row 5, column 5 PRINT "C" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" 'Press any key to continue LOCATE 1,1 'Moves cursor to upper-left corner of the screen. PRINT "C" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" 'Press any key to continue LOCATE,,1 'Makes the cursor visible; position remains 'unchanged. PRINT "C" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" 'Press any key to continue LOCATE,,,7 'Position and cursor visibility remain unchanged; 'sets the cursor to display at the bottom of 'the character box starting and ending on 'scan line 7. PRINT "C" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" 'Press any key to continue LOCATE 5,1,1,0,7 'Moves the cursor to line 5, column 1; 'turns cursor on; cursor covers entire 'character cell starting at scan line '0 and ending on scan line 7. PRINT "C" DO LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" 'Press any key to continue Here is part of a program that prints a menu on the screen, then waits for input in the allowable range (1-4). If a number outside that range is entered, the program continues to prompt for a selection: ----- Note ----- This program is incomplete. Do not try to run it in its current form. ---------------- CONST FALSE=0, TRUE=NOT FALSE DO CLS PRINT "MAIN MENU" : PRINT PRINT "1) Add Records" PRINT "2) Display/Update/Delete a Record" PRINT "3) Print Out List of People Staying at Hotel" PRINT "4) End Program" ' Change cursor to a block. LOCATE ,,1,1,12 LOCATE 12,1 PRINT "What is your selection?"; DO CH$ = INPUT$(1) LOOP WHILE (CH$ < "1" OR CH$ > "4") PRINT CH$ ' Call the appropriate subprogram. SELECT CASE VAL(CH$) CASE 1 CALL Add CASE 2 CALL Search CASE 3 CALL Hotel CASE 4 CALL Quit END SELECT LOOP WHILE NOT ENDPROG . . . END