LPOS Function Programming Example This example prompts the user for team names and the names of players on each team. It then prints the players and their teams on the printer. CLS ' Clear screen LPRINT"Team Members"; TAB(76); "TEAM" : LPRINT INPUT "How many teams"; TEAMS INPUT "How many players per team";PPT PRINT FOR T = 1 TO TEAMS INPUT "Team name: ", TEAM$ FOR P = 1 TO PPT INPUT " Enter player name: ", PLAYER$ LPRINT PLAYER$; IF P < PPT THEN IF LPOS(0) > 55 THEN 'Print a new line if print 'head past column 55. LPRINT : LPRINT " "; ELSE LPRINT ", "; 'Otherwise, print a comma. END IF END IF NEXT P LPRINT STRING$(80-LPOS(0)-LEN(TEAM$),"."); TEAM$ NEXT T