LPRINT and LPRINT USING Details Syntax 1 LPRINT [expressionlist][{;|,}] Syntax 2 LPRINT USING formatstring; expressionlist[{;|,}] These statements function in the same way as the PRINT and PRINT USING statements except that output goes to the line printer and the filenumber option is not permitted. The LPRINT statement assumes an 80-character-wide printer. This width can be changed with a WIDTH LPRINT statement. ----- Warning ----- Since the LPRINT statement uses the LPT1 printer device, you should not use LPRINT in a program that also contains an OPEN LPT1 statement. Using these two statements together produces unpredictable results. ------------------- Differences from BASICA If you do LPRINT CHR$(13), BASIC actually outputs LPRINT CHR$(13) and LPRINT CHR$(10). This feature was created to provide compatibility between Microsoft BASIC and IBM BASICA.