MKSMBF$ and MKDMBF$ Functions Programming Example The following example uses MKSMBF$ to store real values in a file as Microsoft Binary format numbers: ' Read a name and a test score from the console. ' Store as a record in a random-access file. ' Scores are written out as ' Microsoft Binary format single-precision values. TYPE Buffer NameField AS STRING * 20 ScoreField AS STRING * 4 END TYPE DIM RecBuffer AS Buffer OPEN "TESTDAT.DAT" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN=LEN(RecBuffer) ' PRINT "Enter a name and a score, separated by a comma." PRINT "Enter 'END, 0' to end input." INPUT NameIn$, Score ' I=0 ' Read pairs of names and scores from the console ' until the name is END. DO WHILE UCASE$(NameIn$) <> "END" I=I+1 RecBuffer.NameField=NameIn$ ' ' Convert the score to a string. RecBuffer.ScoreField=MKSMBF$(Score) PUT #1,I,RecBuffer INPUT NameIn$, Score LOOP ' PRINT I;" records written." CLOSE #1