OPEN - a file I/O statement that enables I/O to a file or device Syntax OPEN file [FOR mode] [ACCESS access] [lock] AS [#]filenum [LEN=reclen] - file is a string expression that specifies an optional device name, followed by a file name or path name - mode is one of the following keywords: RANDOM Read or write from a random- | INPUT Read only from sequential file access file (the default) | OUTPUT Write to a sequential file BINARY Read or write from a binary | APPEND Write to the end of a file | sequential file - access and lock are
used only in a networking environment - filenum is an integer expression whose value is between 1 and 255 - reclen defaults to 128 for random-access files, to 512 for sequential files, and is not needed at all for binary files See Also Other Uses of the OPEN Keyword OPEN mode,[#]filenum,file[,reclen] - an alternate syntax (see
) - to open a communications channel