PAINT Statement Programming Example This example uses PAINT to create a magenta fish with a cyan tail. CONST PI = 3.1415926536 CLS ' Clear screen SCREEN 1 CIRCLE (190, 100), 100, 1, , , .3 'Outline fish body in cyan. CIRCLE (265, 92), 5, 1, , , .7 'Outline fish eye in cyan. PAINT (190, 100), 2, 1 'Fill in fish body with magenta. LINE (40, 120)-STEP (0, -40), 2 'Outline LINE -STEP (60, 20), 2 ' tail in LINE -STEP (-60, 20), 2 ' magenta. PAINT (50, 100), 1, 2 'Paint tail cyan. CIRCLE (250,100),30,0,PI*3/4,PI* 5/4,1.5 'Draw gills in black. FOR Y = 90 TO 110 STEP 4 LINE (40, Y)-(52, Y), 0 'Draw comb in tail. NEXT