PMAP Statement Programming Example This example uses PMAP to convert coordinate values from view to screen coordinates and from screen coordinates to view coordinates. ----- Note ----- This is not a complete program. Do not run this example in its current form. ---------------- SCREEN 2 'Coordinates of upper-left corner of window defined in following 'statement are (80,100); coordinates of lower-right corner 'are 200,200. WINDOW SCREEN (80,100) - (200,200) 'If physical screen coordinates are (0,0) in the upper-left 'corner and (639,199) in the lower-right corner, then the 'following statements will return the screen coordinates 'equivalent to the view coordinates 80,100. X = PMAP(80,0) 'X = 0 Y = PMAP(100,1) 'Y = 0 'The following statements will return the screen coordinates 'equivalent to the view coordinates 200,200. X = PMAP(200,0) 'X = 639 Y = PMAP(200,1) 'Y = 199 'The following statements will return the view coordinates 'equivalent to the screen coordinates 639,199. X = PMAP(639,2) 'X = 200 Y = PMAP(199,3) 'Y = 200