PRINT Statement Details Syntax PRINT [expressionlist][{,|;}] If expressionlist is omitted, a blank line is printed. If expressionlist is included, the values of the expressions are printed on the screen. The expressions in the list may be numeric or string expressions. (String literals must be enclosed in quotation marks.) A printed number is always followed by a space. If the number is positive, it is also preceded by a space; if the number is negative, it is preceded by a minus sign (-). There are two formats that PRINT uses to display single- and double-precision numbers: fixed point and floating point. If PRINT can represent a single-precision number in the fixed-point format with seven or fewer digits and no loss of accuracy, then it uses the fixed-point format; otherwise, it uses the floating-point format. For example, the number 1.1E-6 is output displayed as .0000011, but the number 1.1E-7 is output as 1.1E-7. Similarly, if PRINT can represent a double-precision number in the fixed-point format with 16 or fewer digits and no loss of accuracy, then it uses the fixed-point format; otherwise, it uses the floating point format. For example, the number 1.1D-15 is output as .0000000000000011, but the number 1.1D-16 is output as 1.1D-16. The PRINT statement supports only elementary BASIC data types (integers, long integers, single-precision real numbers, double- precision real numbers, and strings). To print information in a record, use the PRINT statement with individual record elements as in the following fragment: TYPE MyType Word AS STRING * 20 Count AS LONG END TYPE DIM Myrec AS MyType PRINT Myrec.Word Print Positions The position of each printed item is determined by the punctuation used to separate the items in the list. BASIC divides the line into print zones of 14 spaces each. In the expression list, a comma makes the next value print at the start of the next zone. A semicolon makes the next value print immediately after the last value. Typing one or more spaces or tabs between expressions has the same effect as typing a semicolon. If a comma or a semicolon terminates the list of expressions, the next PRINT statement prints on the same line, after spacing accordingly. If the expression list ends without a comma or a semicolon, a carriage-return and line-feed sequence is printed at the end of the line. If the printed line is wider than the screen width, BASIC goes to the next physical line and continues printing.