PRINT Statement Programming Examples These examples show the use of commas and semicolons with PRINT. Example 1 Here is an example of using commas in a PRINT statement to print each value at the beginning of the next print zone: CLS ' Clear screen X = 5 PRINT X + 5, X - 5, X * (-5), X ^ 5 END Sample Output 10 0 -25 3125 Example 2 In this example, the semicolon at the end of the first PRINT statement makes the first two PRINT statements print on the same line. The last PRINT statement prints a blank line before the next prompt CLS ' Clear screen DO INPUT "Input X (type 0 to quit): ", X IF X = 0 THEN EXIT DO ELSE PRINT X; "squared is"; X ^ 2; "and"; PRINT X; "cubed is"; X^3 PRINT END IF LOOP Sample Output Input X (type 0 to quit): 9 9 squared is 81 and 9 cubed is 729 Input X (type 0 to quit): 21 21 squared is 441 and 21 cubed is 9261 Input X (type 0 to quit): 0 Example 3 In this example, the semicolons in the PRINT statement print each value immediately after the preceding value. Note that a space always follows a number and precedes a positive number: CLS ' Clear screen FOR X = 1 TO 5 J = J + 5 K = K + 10 PRINT J; K; NEXT X Sample Output 5 10 10 20 15 30 20 40 25 50