PRINT USING Statement Programming Examples These examples show the use of string- and numeric-formatting characters with PRINT USING. Example 1 Here is an example of using string-formatting characters: CLS ' Clear screen A$ = "LOOK" : B$ = "OUT" PRINT USING "!"; A$; B$ 'First characters of A$ and B$. PRINT USING "\ \"; A$; B$ 'Two spaces between backslashes, 'prints four characters from A$. PRINT USING "\ \"; A$; B$; "!!" 'Three spaces, prints A$ and 'a blank. PRINT USING "!"; A$; 'First character from A$ and PRINT USING "&"; B$ 'all of B$ on one line. Sample Output LO LOOKOUT LOOK OUT !! LOUT Example 2 Here is an example showing the effects of different combinations of numeric formatting characters: 'Format and print numeric data. CLS ' Clear screen PRINT USING "##.##"; .78 PRINT USING "###.##"; 987.654 PRINT USING "##.## "; 10.2, 5.3, 66.789, .234 PRINT USING "+##.## "; -68.95, 2.4, 55.6, -.9 PRINT USING "##.##- "; -68.95, 22.449, -7.01 PRINT USING "**#.# "; 12.39, -0.9, 765.1 PRINT USING "$$###.##"; 456.78 PRINT USING "**$##.##"; 2.34 PRINT USING "####,.##"; 1234.5 PRINT USING "##.##^^^^"; 234.56 PRINT USING ".####^^^^-"; -888888 PRINT USING "+.##^^^^"; 123 PRINT USING "+.##^^^^^"; 123 PRINT USING "_!##.##_!"; 12.34 PRINT USING "##.##"; 111.22 PRINT USING ".##"; .999 Sample Output 0.78 987.65 10.20 5.30 66.79 0.23 -68.95 +2.40 +55.60 -0.90 68.95- 22.45 7.01- *12.4 *-0.9 765.1 $456.78 ***$2.34 1,234.50 2.35E+02 .8889E+06- +.12E+03 +.12E+003 !12.34! %111.22 %1.00