READ Statement Details Syntax READ variablelist A variablelist is a series of valid BASIC variables separated by commas. READ statements are always used with DATA statements. READ assigns DATA values to variables on a one-to-one basis. These variables may be numeric or string. Attempting to read a string value into a numeric variable produces a run-time syntax error. Reading a numeric value into a string variable does not produce an error, but stores the value as a string of numerals. Values read into integer variables are rounded before the value is assigned to the variable. Reading a numeric value too large for a variable produces a run-time error. String values read into fixed-length string variables are truncated if the string is too long. String values shorter than the string-variable length are left-justified and padded with blanks. Only individual elements of a record variable may appear in a READ statement. A single READ statement may use one or more DATA statements (they will be used in order), or several READ statements may use the same DATA statement. If there are more variables in variablelist than there are values in the DATA statement or statements, an error message is printed that reads "Out of DATA." If there are fewer variables than the number of elements in the DATA statement or statements, subsequent READ statements begin reading data at the first unread element. If there are no subsequent READ statements, the extra items are ignored. Use the RESTORE statement to reread DATA statements.