Screen Modes, Adapters, and Displays Scroll through the tables in this topic, which list the screen modes available for each adapter. If the display device is also a factor in choosing a screen mode, it is listed. MDPA Screen Modes The IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter (MDPA) can be used only with a monochrome display. Only SCREEN 0, text mode, can be used with the MDPA. Rows and Mode Columns Attributes Colors Resolution Pages 0 80x25 16 3 720x350 1 Hercules Adapter Screen Modes Rows and Mode Columns Attributes Colors Resolution Pages 0 80x25 16 1 720x348 2 3 80x25 16 1 720x348 2 CGA Screen Modes The IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) and Color Display are typically paired. This combination permits running text-mode programs, and both medium-resolution and high-resolution graphics programs. Rows and Mode Columns Colors Resolution Pages 0 40x25 16 320x200 8 80x25 " 640x200 4 1 40x25 4 320x200 1 2 80x25 2 640x200 1 EGA Screen Modes The IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) may be used with either the IBM Color Display or the Enhanced Color Display. In modes 0, 1, 2, 7, and 8, these pairings produce similar results, except for the following possible differences: 1. The border color cannot be set on an Enhanced Color Display when it is in 640 x 350 text mode. 2. The text quality is better on the Enhanced Color Display (an 8 x 14 character box for Enhanced Color Display versus an 8 x 8 character box for Color Display). Mode 9 takes full advantage of the capabilities of the Enhanced Color Display. Mode 9 provides for the highest resolution possible for the EGA/Enhanced Color Display configuration. Programs written for this mode will not work for any other hardware configuration except the VGA. The table below summarizes the screen modes that can be used with an EGA. Rows and Page Mode Columns Display(a) Attributes Colors Resolution Size Pages 0 40x25 C 16 16 320x200 N/A 8 40x25 E " 64 320x350 " " 40x43 E " 64 320x350 " "(b) 80x25 C " 16 640x200 " "(b) 80x25 E " 64 640x350 " "(b) 80x25 C " 16 640x200 " "(b) 80x25 M " 3 720x350 " "(b) 80x43 E " 64 640x350 " 4(b) 80x43 M " 3 720x350 " 4(b) 1 40x25 N/A 4 16 320x200 16K 1 2 80x25 N/A 2 16 640x200 16K " 7 40x25 N/A 16 16 320x200 32K (c) 8 80x25 N/A 16 16 640x200 64K (c) 9(d) 80x25 E 4 64 640x350 64K 1 80x43 E 4 64 640x350 64K 1 80x25 E 16 64 640x350 128K (c) 80x43 E 16 64 640x350 128K (c) 10 80x25 M 4 9 640x350 64K (e) 80x43 M 4 9 640x350 64K (e) ___________________________________________________________________ (a) Color display, E Enhanced color display, M Monochrome display, N/A Not applicable (either color display or enhanced color display) (b) Pages=Screen memory divided by page size. Eight page maximum, one page minimum. (c) Pages=Screen memory divided by 2 divided by page size. Eight page maximum, one page minimum. (d) Number of pages is halved with 64K. (e) The first two entries under mode 9 are for an EGA with 64K of screen memory. The next two entries assume more than 64K of screen memory. EGA and VGA Adapters with Monochrome Display: SCREEN 10 Only the EGA and VGA can be paired with the IBM Monochrome Display to run programs in Mode 10. This mode can be used to display monochrome graphics at a very high resolution. The following two tables summarize the default attributes and colors for screen mode 10 used with a monochrome display. Default Attributes: SCREEN 10, Monochrome Display Attribute Displayed Value Pseudocolor 0 Off 1 On, normal intensity 2 Blink 3 On, high intensity Color Values: SCREEN 10, Monochrome Display Color Displayed Value Pseudocolor 0 Off 1 Blink, off to on 2 Blink, off to high intensity 3 Blink, on to off 4 On 5 Blink, on to high intensity 6 Blink, high intensity to off 7 Blink, high intensity to on 8 High intensity VGA Screen Modes The IBM Video Graphics Array (VGA) adapter offers significantly enhanced text and graphics in all modes. Rows and Page Mode Columns Attributes Colors Resolution Size Pages 0 40x25 16 64 360x400 N/A 8 40x43 " " 320x350 " " 40x50 " " 320x400 " 4 80x25 " " 720x400 " 8 80x43 " " 640x350 " 4 80x43 " 3 720x350 " " 80x50 " 64 640x400 " " 80x50 " 3 720x400 " " 1 40x25 4 16 320x200 16K 1 2 80x25 2 " 640x200 " " 7 40x25 16 " 320x200 32K (a) 8 80x25 " " 640x200 64K (a) 9 80x25 " 64 640x350 128K (a) 80x43 " " " " (a) 10 80x25 4 9 " 64K (b) 80x43 " " " " (b) 11 80x30 2 256K 640x480 " 1 80x60 " " " " " 12 80x30 16 " " 256K " 80x60 " " " " " 13 40x25 256 " 320x200 64K " _____________________________________________________________________ (a) Pages=Screen memory divided by page size. Eight page maximum. (b) Pages=Screen memory divided by 2 divided by page size. Eight page maximum. See the for a description of how the VGA calculates color values. MCGA Screen Modes The IBM Multicolor Graphics Array (MCGA) combines the modes of the CGA with the very high resolution and 256K color modes of the VGA to provide enhanced text and graphics in all modes. Rows and Page Mode Columns Attributes Colors Resolution Size Pages 0 40x25 16 N/A 320x400 N/A 8 80x25 " " 640x400 " " 1 40x25 4 " 320x200 16K 1 2 80x25 2 " 640x200 " " 11 80x30 " 256K 640x480 64K " 80x60 " " " " " 13 40x25 256 " 320x200 " " The MCGA uses the same color values as the VGA. For a description of how the MCGA calculates color values, see the .